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"Poets speak of things not as they are. But as they might be." That's my poetry. It's how I would like it to be. Far from reality. In my poetic universe, love is a privilege. And I was born to love and be loved. The rest is of no importance. My dreams and desires I write in poetry...

So Far So Close

  • Quantidade de Páginas: 96

    Nº de Edição: 1

    Ano de Publicação: 2023

    ISBN:978-65-88416- 62-4

    Idioma: Inglês

  • Brazilian, graduated in Accounting. Author of the novel, Essays for the Honeymoon in Portuguese and English; from the poetry book, Fragments of a Desire and from the collection A Walk Between Tales and Chronicles. With participation in several collections, in Brazil and Portugal. Literary activist, acting as editor responsible for the marketing area at Leia Livros Editora e Livraria and administrator of the website


 Editora e Livraria

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